Got cat class….

If you’re a regular social media user – as most people are – you’re likely to have seen the news by now that Ikea are extending their “pet care” range. Obviously, this meant I had to have a look on the site at the items now available.

There’s some pieces that appear to be  Ikea favourites being utilised to give them a purpose suited to animals that share our home. And the furniture looks pretty good; stylish, functional in ways to both the cats in the home and the humans that care for them.

However, old hats at sharing their space with feline family will already be aware of a site called Ikea Hackers (mentioned in November 7, 2017 blog), that has a specific section with concepts solely for cats using  Ikea furniture people have modified. Most of the items being sold seem to have taken inspiration from fans of Ikea furniture that have submitted ideas. I’m not sure I saw anything I hadn’t seen on Ikea Hackers in previous years; Ikea have just run with the popularity of their furniture being used and adapted in this way.

This is by no means a negative. Recognising an animals needs when they cohabit with us in a home is a hugely pivotal part of caring for them to the best of our capabilities. I’m glad the range has extended and look forward to seeing a lot more furniture being introduced by the store.


Cats exploring part of the new Ikea range….